The Real Cost of Exclusion: May the Business Case for Inclusion Rest in Peace
Having worked in the Diversity and Inclusion field for more than 20 years, I am still struck by conversations that start with “What’s the business case for diversity or inclusion?” Over the years I have worked with many organizations to quantify in very pragmatic ways the positive impacts of having an inclusive workplace, customer/guest base,...
The Real Problem With Soccer
We would love to believe that racism in sports is a thing of the past. That in the U.S Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier and we’ve never looked back. We would like to believe this is the case in America but in some European soccer matches, it’s April 1947 all over again. Several matches...
Google Play removes apps after public outrage over racist content
In mid-November, the app “Make me Asian” went public through the Google Play app store. This application allowed users to take a screenshot of themselves and add details such as a Fu Manchu mustache, slanted eyes, and yellow skin. Alongside it was the equally offensive “Make me Indian” application, which added a broadened nose, war...

Mexican rules of behavior in America
Editor’s Note: Growing up in a Mexican-immigrant family in the United States wedges children in between two cultures. In the following excerpt of his new book, author Carlos Gil explores how his siblings and his mother navigated some of these cultural conflicts. This excerpt, “Looking Back at Our Toughest Years” is taken from the new...