Diversity Course Requirement at University of Washington Starts Fall 2014
When I arrived at the University of Washington (UW) campus in Seattle, I assumed that courses on diversity and cultural differences would be included in the undergrad credit requirements – called Areas of Knowledge (AoK). Within AoK are subject areas meant to broaden the student’s topics of study, introducing new ideas as to not limit...
Boys and Men of Color: How Are They Doing in America?
February 27, 2014 marked a momentous day in the United States when President Obama approved the immediate release of the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, an interagency effort to improve educational and life outcomes for boys and young men of color. While statistics President Obama presented at his speech emphasize the need for the initiative, many more of...
Under age 5: where ethnic minority numbers rise in the U.S
There’s a first for everything and this one is sure to have a lasting impact. For the first time in history, the diversity of America’s ethnic minorities now make up about half of the under-5 age group. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, high birth rates, especially amongst Hispanics, has led to a more rapid...

Human Trafficking Reflections
After attending a conference concerning human trafficking in January, I felt compelled to delve further into this issue. In researching for my article, I discovered the horrors behind the world’s fastest growing illegal industry. Quickly, I knew that one of the most important things for the community to do to combat the different methods of...

Camden School District Takeover a Symptom of Racial Segregation
One of the monthly features on diversitycentral.com is News and Trends. I usually write up 3 or 4 of these pieces each month from press releases and external research. This month one of these pieces concerned the takeover of the Camden school district of New Jersey. Now, I hadn’t heard of the takeover before I...
ACLU’s Quick response to gun control announcement
By Gina Hathorn In a letter dated January 11, ACLU Director, Laura W. Murphy and Senior Legislative Counsel Deborah J. Vagins, addressed some concerns with increased police in school settings. She recalled on a similar situation from the Clinton Administration, shortly after the shootings at Columbine. The increase in school surveillance and police officers does...