"Especially during times of limited resources, the Cultural Diversity at Work Archive is one to which I maintain access. If I could only have one content license, this would be it. The articles are concise, well-written, easily located, and cover an extensive range of diversity and inclusion topics. The articles, data, calendars, and more help me stay up-to-date and better serve my clients."
-- Robert Hayles, Ph.D
Effectiveness & Diversity
"For well over twenty years now DiversityCentral—a true pioneering organization in the field of Diversity & Inclusion--has been a central source of credible and substantive information for me. The GilDeane Group [the publisher] understands its audience, is on top of current issues and provides forward-thinking leadership. If you need information, you can find it here. If they don’t have it—they will help you find it. I highly recommend DiversityCentral."
-- Michael Wheeler, Associate Director,
Diversity, OmnicomMediaGroup