Diversity Course Requirement at University of Washington Starts Fall 2014
When I arrived at the University of Washington (UW) campus in Seattle, I assumed that courses on diversity and cultural differences would be included in the undergrad credit requirements – called Areas of Knowledge (AoK). Within AoK are subject areas meant to broaden the student’s topics of study, introducing new ideas as to not limit...
Homeless shelter hits home
This month I wrote a small news summary about Sylvia Anthony, an inspiring woman who opened a homeless shelter for women and their children. This shelter offers guidance and emotional support for those who seek help. I have never been homeless. I lived in a warm home with enough food and books to keep me...
Researching May Quiz
As usual, this month I spent my time researching and developing the diversity quiz. The topic of this month’s quiz was the buying power of Asian Americans, as it is Asian Pacific Heritage Month in the United States. My main source of information for this quiz was Kang and Lee Advertising, which provides helpful information...

Human Trafficking Reflections
After attending a conference concerning human trafficking in January, I felt compelled to delve further into this issue. In researching for my article, I discovered the horrors behind the world’s fastest growing illegal industry. Quickly, I knew that one of the most important things for the community to do to combat the different methods of...

Killing Us Softly 4
This month my article on Jean Kilbourne’s 2010 film Killing Us Softly 4 is going live on www.diversitycentral.com. This film discusses the negative impact of advertising on women as well as men, how ad companies put forth an impossible image for women to aspire to, as well as many other interesting things you never knew...

A Month for Rebellion
For the past several months I have crafted the diversity calendar for Diversity Central. This month, as I was compiling my data, I noticed something interesting. More than previously, I noted Independence Days, National Days, Liberation Days. It appeared as if April were a month for rebelling. In this month alone here are the countries...
Easter as part of a semi-religious family
I grew up with a mother and father who were raised Protestant. They kept it personal, however, not attending church, but rather praying on their own and living the word of God through their actions. I was raised Protestant as well, but was not forced into Sunday School or any other overtly religious practice. I...
Searching for quiz material: Celebrating Black authors
This month I had the opportunity to create the Diversity Quiz, centered around Black Heritage Month. As this heritage month had been explored in previous quizzes, I decided to focus on contemporary African American authors. Having taken multiple history and literature courses which explored prominent books by black authors, I already had a base from...

Reflections — Coming of Age Day
Research always affirms to transform a prior conception. In researching Japan’s celebrations for Coming of Age Day, I have to admit I got a little jealous. All of the traditions and participation from the entire Japanese society painted a picture that sounded like a lot of fun. It made me a bit sad that American...

An introduction to the Diversity Central blog
Hello everyone. I’m one of the non-editorial interns here at Diversity Central. I usually don’t write much, but we have looked into the blog as a perfect place for us young interns to discuss our personal experiences and opinions of diversity in a more casual manner. As you know, Diversity Central is a publishing...