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Guest Writer Guidelines for

"Where cultural intelligence creates business opportunity"

Managing Editor: Email:

Publication schedule: Monthly
Post date: 1st of each month
Deadline: 15th of each month is the exciting online resource for tackling one of the most important business challenges today: Cultural Intelligence.

"You can recognize "cultural intelligence" when people factor diversity and culture into everything their business does, from how managers behave to what the organization does," says Barbara Deane, Editor-in-Chief. "If we can help business people turn diversity and cultural knowledge into intelligent decisions and competitive strategies, then they will uncover new opportunities to improve their performance." provides a wide array of articles and tools every month that help people develop and apply cultural intelligence in business and organizations.

Queries: We appreciate receiving queries. Please send a short email describing the main idea of your potential article or series of articles. If you are considering a series, please ensure that your schedule allows for writing and meeting monthly deadlines.

Length: We accept articles from 800 to 1200 words in length. We reserve the right to reduce the length of articles for readability. Please indicate word count under your proposed title. If an article is longer than 1200 words, we may split the piece into a short series, rather than cut content.

Contact information: Please include your contact information at the end of article. Include author’s name, title, company name, and E-mail or Web URL address. If you wish to remain unreachable, please let us know.

Style: Web reading is a fast environment. Hook the reader with your first two or three sentences so that he/she wants to read more. Have a clear main idea, and focus on solutions, best practices, recommendations, tips, tools, or new approaches. Use the active voice more than the passive voice. Keep your language bright and interesting. Use four and five syllable words minimally. Write clearly, concisely, and avoid jargon. Ask yourself, "Is it clear what I want the reader to do differently or to take away at the end of my article?

USE EXAMPLES, USE EXAMPLES, USE EXAMPLES. Wed theory to practice. Our readers want practical, substantive information—information they can put to use immediately.

Readership: Our readers share a common interest in diversity and cross-cultural issues, but not necessarily the same knowledge and backgrounds. Readers include VPs of diversity, diversity managers, training and human resources managers, consultants, managers, some senior managers, educators, students and well-informed lay people. We have a growing number of international readers who may not be familiar with U.S. diversity or HR terminology.

Copyright: We maintain copyright of the article. We can provide you with a master copy of the article in reprint format for marketing or workshop duplication. We are also open to other sharing possibilities. Articles accepted for publication in Diversity Central may not be submitted to other publications without our permission.

Editorial Policies: All articles are subject to editing. Receipt of an article does not guarantee publication. We decide the best topic area for publishing the article. We make the final decisions regarding article titles. We do not accept articles under consideration or previously published by another publication (some exceptions). When you submit your article, you commit to us that your article is your original work.

Submission: Please submit articles via e-mail, either in the message area or as an attachment in a word processing or as a text file. E-mail address is

Compensation: All writing done for is pro bono. However, we do give full credit to the author and include a short promotional blurb at the end of each piece about the author. Contact information (personal or business) is also included.

Questions: Email or fax (206) 363-5028.


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