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Search the CDW Archive, an online database for articles about the business case for diversity and here are some examples of what you will find. The following articles below are provided to help you measure your diversity efforts. (Search: "Diversity and Measurement", sort by Article Title, restricted to Business & Managers).

Diversity measurement: Education on sexual orientation in the workplace.
By Liz Winfeld

Adults rate corporate-sponsored education programs higher for reliability than any other information source. More than half of the adult employees surveyed would like more, not less, workplace education that delivers more information about what they consider to be difficult issues. Interestingly, the three topics left out of most initial forays into diversity education by corporations are HIV/AIDS and other STD and health related topics, sexual orientation, and information about people with disabilities. These three are also the ones named most often by people as topics they'd like to see covered in workplace education programs.

Diversity measurement: Employee evaluation guidelines 
By Anna Chan

Employee evaluations have long been used by businesses to gauge an employee's performance, pinpoint problems he or she may be having and provide appropriate training and encouragement to help the employee improve their performance. However, according to "The Complete Guide to Human Resources and the Law" by Dana Shilling, employee evaluations often do not function the way they are intended to.

Diversity measurement: Measuring diversity’s "return on investment" (ROI)
By Barbara Deane

How do you identify diversity's contribution to any change or intervention? How do you calculate it? This is an important question that Edward Hubbard tackles in his Diversity ROI Analysis Model presented in his new book, How to Calculate Diversity Return on Investment (Global Insights Publishing, 1999).

Diversity measurement: Racism: It's not just a white thing 
By David Johnson

Racism isn't just perpetrated by white people. There is no doubt that in the United States, white people are also subjected to unfair treatment resulting from the combination of power and prejudice, even at the hands of other whites. What differentiates racism directed towards whites in the United States is its frequency, intensity, and its lasting effects. Compared to people of color, whites are infrequently oppressed because of their race. When they are, the effect and consequences are usually less severe emotionally, socially, or economically as they are for people of color.

Diversity measurement: Strategies for inclusion of sexual orientation in the workplace, Part one
By Liz Winfeld

In this first of a four-part series, we begin to explore strategies for inclusion that you have at your disposal by first looking at what "coming out" – personally and organizationally – has to do with laying the groundwork for their successful implementation. People do not perform at their best if they work in fear. But due to prevalent homophobia and heterosexism, many gay people hide in the closet.

About the Cultural Diversity at Work Archive

The all new CDW Archive is now complete and searchable online! The entire collection of articles published in Cultural Diversity at Work, is now available online. Loaded with best practices and innovative approaches, you can find articles on any topic concerning diversity. Search for articles on diversity measurement, organizational audits, organizational change, management development, accountability, awareness, intercultural communication.